Marriage/ Matrimonio
Religious Education
RCIA-Ages 8 +
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults adapted for children
Eucharist/ Communion Preparation
We start with 2nd grade up until adults. We have an English program for elementary school aged children on Saturday Mornings.
We have a Spanish program for elementary school aged children on Saturday morning and Tuesday afternoons. Baptism certificate is required to register for preparation.
Confirmation Preparation
Teens should be at least age 14 as of April in the year they will be enrolled in the program. Classes are offered on Monday evening in English and in Spanish. Baptism and Eucharist certificates are required to register for preparation.
Yearly signups for 1st year children and teen preparation are usually done in the month of June. Spaces are limited, so it’s first come first serve basis.
Adult Sacramental Preparation
Any adult age 18+ who is missing a sacrament will need to contact the office to schedule an individual appointment. We will need a copy of whichever sacrament they have already received. If they haven't received any, they will need to provide a copy of Birth Certificate. English preparation offered on Tuesday night and Spanish Preparation offered on Wednesday night.
Requierments for the sacrament of Marrige
- Letter of Permission to marry at St. Mary’s. Required of parties who live outside our Parish boundaries unless currently registered and active here
- New certificate of: Baptism, First Communion, Confirmation. (copy issued within the past six months by the parish of baptism)
- Bride and Groom each need 2 witnesses (over 18yrs. of age who have known you since before you were married to your current spouse) to fill out “Freedom to Marry” form.
- Request Marriage License from the County Recorder’s Office. ( less than 3 months before the wedding) If you are already married, submit a copy of your civil marriage license.
- If one or both partners were previously married civilly but not in the Church, they will need to apply for a “Defect of Form” decree from the Diocese. This process requires: your certificate of baptism, your marriage certificate with previous spouse, divorce certificate, present contact information of previous spouse and a fee of $50.00 (Process needs to be completed a month prior to the ceremony, otherwise the marriage could be postponed)
- Marriage Preparation. Must submit certificate of completion before wedding if not taken here.
- Names of your witnesses for the marriage certificate
- Se requiere carta de permiso para casarse en la Iglesia de Santa María para alguno de los contrayentes que viva fuera de los límites de nuestra parroquia, a menos que actualmente registrado y activo aquí.
- Nuevo certificado de: Bautismo, Primera Comunión, Confirmación. (copia presentado en los últimos seis meses por la parroquia de bautismo)
- La novia y el novio, cada uno necesitan 2 testigos (que estén sobre los 18 años de edad y que lo han conocido antes de que estuviera casado con su actual pareja) para llenar el formulario de "Libertad para casarse".
- Solicitar la licencia de matrimonio en la oficina de registros del condado. (menos de 3 meses antes de la boda) Si ya está casado, presentar una copia de su certificado de matrimonio civil. En la oficina
- Si uno o ambos cónyuges previamente se casaron civilmente pero no en la iglesia, deben solicitar un decreto "Defecto de forma" de la diócesis. Este proceso requiere: su certificado de bautismo, su certificado de matrimonio con cónyuge anterior, certificado de divorcio, información de contacto actual del cónyuge anterior y una cuota de $50.00 (Proceso debe cumplirse un mes antes de la ceremonia, de lo contrario el matrimonio debe ser pospuesto)
- Preparación del Sacramento de matrimonio con el Grupo de Matrimonios en español o el programa de (FOCUS) en inglés y presentar el certificado de cumplimiento antes de la boda.
- Nombres de sus testigos para el certificado de matrimonio